Saturday, November 27, 2010

Prescription Drugs

Dioris Reyes                                                                                        11/29/10
ENG 101                                                                                             Dr. McCormick

Prescriptions Drugs

Prescriptions drugs can help overcome depression, many people with depression can be treated by a general healthcare provider, but unfortunately in other cases there are many people who need more specialized treatment such as Prozac and Norpramin in order to help them control their chronic depression. There are many treatment options that can help to overcome depression. It is certainly true that there are many different factors that can contribute to depression as well as outset of a chemical imbalance. As an example, a death in the family can lead someone into major depression, also a stressful event such the death of a loved one, and also by having a family history of the disease, or even financial and health problems; all these symptoms can sadly be very good reasons for major depression. As Greg Critser states, “We each have our own firing mechanism—some mysterious yet recognizable, bio-social moment that triggers the condition”.  That’s why people who have some of these symptoms should get help by getting the help they need with their prescription drugs. Experts think that depression occurs when something triggers a chemical imbalance in the brain. Many different factors can contribute to the outset of a chemical imbalance, such as long term use of certain medications, including some blood pressure drugs, and some drugs used to treat arthritis and Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, having low self-esteem or being overly dependent, self-critical, or easily overwhelmed by stress, alcohol, nicotine, or even drug abuse, and physical abuse as well.

            First of all, depression is a biological illness; it impacts your mood, mind, body, and behavior. It affects how you eat and sleep, how you feel about yourself, and how you relate to the world around you. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Depression goes beyond the normal ups and downs in mood we experience as we go through our daily lives. The most important thing to remember about depression is that it can be treated with the help of a health professional. There are three main types of depression; the first type of depression is “Major Depression” which usually occurs in episodes (periods lasting 6-12 months). Although individual episodes are treatable, most people can expect to have recurrences (new episodes) at some point. Symptoms of depression could be the following: Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, feeling sad, blue, or down in the dumps, also feeling slowed down and having no energy or feeling restless and unable to sit still. Other symptoms are also feeling worthless or guilty, eating more or less than usual or gaining weight, most importantly, when people have problems focusing, thinking, remembering, and making decisions. Furthermore, not being able to sleep or sleeping too much, headaches, aches and pains, stomach problems, loss sex drive. Another symptom is having the feeling negative ness, hopeless, anxious, or worried, thoughts of death or suicide. As Greg Critser, states “Occasional suicidal ideation.” “Rarely cries- - yet looks depressed”. This person is more likely to be depressed based on the doctor diagnosis and as a result of doctor observations which is more likely showing one of the symptoms of major depression.  

 The second type of depression is “Dysthymia Depression” and this condition is like major depression, but it lasts longer and the symptoms are milder. People feel bad most of the time but can usually complete everyday tasks. Some symptoms of mania are feeling unusually “high” and energetic or usually irritable, needing less sleep. Another reason, is talking a lot or feeling like you can’t stop talking, racing thoughts, trouble concentrating, feeling of greatness, acting without thinking, doing dangerous things. The third type of depression is “Bipolar Disorder” (Manic Depression), this condition causes mood cycles. People cycle between episodes of mania (abnormal “highs”).

"Sited Works"

Critser,Greg."We each have our own firing mechanism- - some mysterious yet recognizale, bio-social moment that trigggers the condition". ENG 101-The Persuit Of Happiness.ED.E.McCormick.New York:La Guardia Community College 2010.30-41.Print.

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